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SIKU Laituri 5512


Saatavuus: Varastossa

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 5512
EAN: 4006874055128
Osastot: , Avainsanat tuotteelle , , ,

SIKU 5512 Laituri

SIKU 5512 laiturilla on aina työtä tehtävänä.  Yksittäisten osiensa ansiosta laituri voidaan rakentaa monella tapaa ja muokata tarroilla. Veneet voidaan laskea veteen ja vetää ulos ramppia pitkin. SIKU 5512 laituri paketissa on työvene, poiju, kaksi lippua, välipalatallista ja laituri, jossa on sisään- ja uloskäynnit, kaksi muovista paneelia sinisenä, nosturi ja laatikot. Laatikot voidaan avata, täyttää ja tyhjentää. SIKU 5512 Laituri on hauskaa yksinään, mutta se on myös täydellinen lisä SIKU Water Worldiin ja SIKU 5403 -konttialukseen. 

Koko 900 x 384 x 397 mm

Ikäsuositus 3v.+

SIKU 5512 Pier

Nr. 5512
Supply station for ships
There is always work to be done at the SIKUWORLD landing stage. With its individual parts, the landing stage can be built in multiple ways, and customised using stickers. Boats can be launched into the water and drawn out via the ramp. The muffled boom of the ship’s horn signals the end of the lunch break for the dockworkers. The fish and chips at the snack stall are swallowed quickly, and the workboat is already being moored. It takes just a few skilled actions to securely tie the boat to the bitts on the quay wall. The gantry crane with the travelling trolley starts to move. The cargo on the workboat has to be discharged, as the dockworkers call it, because the captain wants to cast off again. The SIKUWORLD landing stage consists of the workboat, buoys, two flags, snack stall, and a landing stage with entries and exits, two plastic panels in a blue design, crane, and crates. The crates can be opened, filled, and emptied. The SIKUWORLD landing stage can be played with on its own, but it is also the perfect addition to the SIKUWORLD Water World and the SIKUWORLD  5403 container ship.



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